App description Calculate the formula by determining the parallel lines of points: for: Equation: \(ax + by = c\) Point: (x1, y1) ...
App description In a triangle, the sum of two sides must be greater than the third side, which is called trigonometric inequality...
App description The length of the vertical line is called the distance from the point to the line. The straight line Ax+By+C=0, co...
App description Equation: y-y1=k(x-x1) Where (x1, y1) is the coordinate of a point on the coordinate system that is too straight,...
App description First, the straight line equation is transformed into a symmetric form, and its direction vector n1=(a1, b1, c1)...
App description Generally, in a plane Cartesian coordinate system, if the straight line L passes through points A(X1, Y1) and B(X2...
App description Cube surface area, volume calculator The cube is a three-dimensional figure surrounded by six identical squares. I...
App description A right-angled triangle with a 45-degree angle is an isosceles right-angled triangle, that is, another sharp angle...
App description The graph of the closed graph (including its inner region) consisting of three points that are not collinear on th...
App description Cone volume \(V = (1/3) π r^2h\) Cone surface area \(S= π r (l + r)\) Usage example Bottom radius r: 5 Cone heigh...
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